Today I hosted a baby shower for the mother-to-be, Sandi. And I surprised her with the above community blanket "from the knitters." I gave folks a deadline to knit (or crochet) a 5x5 square. Peggy and Jennifer were crazy machines helping me crochet the squares together into strips and crocheting the strips into the big ol' rectangle. Jennifer is a crochet goddess and she flexed her hooking muscle even more by helping me speed learn the craft - she picked a simple border pattern and taught me how to do it (plus the corners!) and then let me loose. Thanks to their help I had this puppy blocked by Tuesday!
Thanks to all the knitters/crocheters who answered the call! Now if you could do me a favour. If you created a square please go here (or click on the photo of the blanket above) and add a note with your name over the square you made. I've done mine, so just follow my example.
It was a great party. The House of Sammon was filled with good food and great peeps. Sandi was definitely feeling the love! Unfortunately I don't have any photos of the actual event but I know Michelle filled her memory card on her camera. I'm guessing she'll probably post a photo or two after she's had a chance to review them.
Besides the blanket, I did find time to do a little gift knitting. Although I was cutting it pretty tight, with all the other things that needed to be coordinated for the party, but I had a few hours to spare before guests arrived so I took my chance.

I really felt like my gift was a tad hodgepodge. Of course, I HAD to do the angora baby booties from Last-Minute Knitted Gifts. I'm happy to say that's my signature baby gift! The thing on the right is weird, I know. I initially wanted to knit a monkey. A knit monkey to go with the cute little cheeky monkey tee. Too bad for me that the pattern I used was giving me fits. So I ripped it out. I've been lurking over at Mochimochi Land and decided that I needed to knit something from there. Evolving Punk jumped out at me and the rest is history. Isn't he crazy??! (Especially his eyeballs, I really need to get my eyeball skills to a higher level. But I'm digressing.)
I want to give a BIG shout out to the ladies at the Purple Purl. Miko totally saved my tushie with her own personal party store! And the punch and the punch bowls were HUGE winners. Everyone liked the punch. I LOVED the punch and I think it may be my new spring/summer treat. Also the ladies talked me off the ledge when I was having a less than stellar party planning moment. Thanks for being there, Jennifer and Miko, I owe you big time! I guess I better remember that for next weekend at the Frolic, right?
Thanks to all the guests who filled my house with love for Sandi! I know it was tight and chairs were at a premium but I couldn't imagine spending that much time in such a small space with any one else.
And, last but definitely not least, thanks to Sandi for letting me throw the little shindig in her honour. You are totally worthy.
I love love love the blanket! Kudos to all the contributors.
thanks to all of the ladies for the most amazing blanket ever! i can't wait to see all of the names on the squares! and thanks to jacquie for a most awesome shower and for the groovy gifts. i'm still reeling from all of the love. speechless - totally. xxoxoooxoxo
Kudos for your organization skill! XXOO
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